Online Store, One way to Success

When learning about online shop , quite difficult for me at the beginning, there a lot of terms I don't understand , especially if coupled terms facebook google analytics and analytics based on rules of a complex algorithm . Becomes complicated when an unusual deal with it and I also happen to no background in the IT world. Really from basic to understanding how the online shop platform . Now may be the easier , the largest blog site " wordpress " has opened up opportunities for potential entrepreneurs to start their business , opening a start up company . This American blog site to facilitate their creative with plug -in and a tool to open a online business.

The passion of entrepreneurship in the digital era is now so tempestuous in the Indonesia, enterprise-startups based online writhing in various cities in Indonesia, not only in big cities. Experienced of founder of start-up company, really interesting. How are they financially secure by working in the country of Singapore, decided  to return to Indonesia opened a new company based online. The idea was not running smoothly, even those closest to them oppose the decision. Their persistence was not  in vain, represent Indonesia in the competition start up company in the United Amerka.

Who they are , can be traced in " mbah Google " , the substance lies in the turmoil of young children today , even if you want to work well , they graduate college  from abroad , or prestigious colleges in the country , but their orientation is not on the reliability of the personal , They want to contribute what they have to the community , despite the idealism is not easy in reality . The road is steep, tricky holes had to pass to achieve the noble ideals . All finally paid off for those who are  persistent, willing to work hard and smart , and many people enjoy what they do .

Stories like it might be a old story , already written , how the ups and downs founder of Microsoft , Google , Yahoo , Facebook , etc . Excitement self-employment should continue exhaled by the government , not just a mere slogan but given support basic means , when in the online business is probably the discount rates or free of charge internet connection if necessary , so that the young people are interested in falls in this business . Since online business is very appropriate for young people  to develop their  creativity , they have plenty of time , and there is no responsibility that they hold. Chances of success become a great entrepreneur is more open when starting from a young age.

Journey to fall up very long , so it is at its peak at the age of 30 years they've been established as a businessman. Indonesia needs to encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship seriously early on, because Indonesia has natural resources that is incredible to be processed and creative human resources are abundant. The potential should not be wasted , we must remember that Indonesia declared by young people , not those who are aged 40 years and over . So to say , the soul of struggle young people Indonesia extraordinary , their passion is removing all obstacles. Opportunities young people become great entrepreneurs increasingly open , now many companies venture abroad began pouring funds to local start-up companies . 

The question is , why the owners of capital in the country are less glanced potential young people of our own , and letting potential in the country were taken by outsiders . It looks substantial funding that poured to the local start-up company but when calculated time will be small in the next five years if the company is growing and thriving . So our foreign investors who enjoy the capital , local investors just bite the fingers .

Back to the title of the online store as a means of creative young people to learn business management , sales , financial management , time management , human resources , risk taking business , and others . The online store is now very easy to create, Wordpress and Blogger provide free templates and plug -in is also a variety of business support online stores. Even free email marketing tool is also available , as well as contacts for data base management prospects are found in  internet.Now, what do you want to sell? This is important in starting a business with an online store . Good luck !! 

(published in /


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Wednesday 31 August 2016

Online Store, One way to Success

When learning about online shop , quite difficult for me at the beginning, there a lot of terms I don't understand , especially if coupled terms facebook google analytics and analytics based on rules of a complex algorithm . Becomes complicated when an unusual deal with it and I also happen to no background in the IT world. Really from basic to understanding how the online shop platform . Now may be the easier , the largest blog site " wordpress " has opened up opportunities for potential entrepreneurs to start their business , opening a start up company . This American blog site to facilitate their creative with plug -in and a tool to open a online business.

The passion of entrepreneurship in the digital era is now so tempestuous in the Indonesia, enterprise-startups based online writhing in various cities in Indonesia, not only in big cities. Experienced of founder of start-up company, really interesting. How are they financially secure by working in the country of Singapore, decided  to return to Indonesia opened a new company based online. The idea was not running smoothly, even those closest to them oppose the decision. Their persistence was not  in vain, represent Indonesia in the competition start up company in the United Amerka.

Who they are , can be traced in " mbah Google " , the substance lies in the turmoil of young children today , even if you want to work well , they graduate college  from abroad , or prestigious colleges in the country , but their orientation is not on the reliability of the personal , They want to contribute what they have to the community , despite the idealism is not easy in reality . The road is steep, tricky holes had to pass to achieve the noble ideals . All finally paid off for those who are  persistent, willing to work hard and smart , and many people enjoy what they do .

Stories like it might be a old story , already written , how the ups and downs founder of Microsoft , Google , Yahoo , Facebook , etc . Excitement self-employment should continue exhaled by the government , not just a mere slogan but given support basic means , when in the online business is probably the discount rates or free of charge internet connection if necessary , so that the young people are interested in falls in this business . Since online business is very appropriate for young people  to develop their  creativity , they have plenty of time , and there is no responsibility that they hold. Chances of success become a great entrepreneur is more open when starting from a young age.

Journey to fall up very long , so it is at its peak at the age of 30 years they've been established as a businessman. Indonesia needs to encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship seriously early on, because Indonesia has natural resources that is incredible to be processed and creative human resources are abundant. The potential should not be wasted , we must remember that Indonesia declared by young people , not those who are aged 40 years and over . So to say , the soul of struggle young people Indonesia extraordinary , their passion is removing all obstacles. Opportunities young people become great entrepreneurs increasingly open , now many companies venture abroad began pouring funds to local start-up companies . 

The question is , why the owners of capital in the country are less glanced potential young people of our own , and letting potential in the country were taken by outsiders . It looks substantial funding that poured to the local start-up company but when calculated time will be small in the next five years if the company is growing and thriving . So our foreign investors who enjoy the capital , local investors just bite the fingers .

Back to the title of the online store as a means of creative young people to learn business management , sales , financial management , time management , human resources , risk taking business , and others . The online store is now very easy to create, Wordpress and Blogger provide free templates and plug -in is also a variety of business support online stores. Even free email marketing tool is also available , as well as contacts for data base management prospects are found in  internet.Now, what do you want to sell? This is important in starting a business with an online store . Good luck !! 

(published in /



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