Planning Holiday With Family Around Jakarta City

Where to go in this weekend? Now we have many choices for spending our time with family at a  right place, depend on your budget. So, if we have limit budget, we can search public amusement park, as like Monas, Zoo Garden, or many places. Every family usual is budgeting some money to bring members of the family go out a side in weekend day. Most popular amusements park is a place which provides kid’s playground, now in Jakarta, Pemda DKI provided the public place for kid and family.

So, every decision depends on you, how much your budget is determined by yours destination. For long term, be wised is we plan or travel holiday because we can save money and we choose our favourite travel destination, domestic or oversea, everything depends on your budget. In many families has god plan for travel holiday, they save money every month for costing their travel activities with their family. May be we can learn financial planning, this knowledges lead us to plan our financial.

Most ur budget in weekend day travel is spent for transportation, ticket, meal, and merchandise which provided by amusements park. In Jabodetabek is many kid island for family and kids, as like Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jungle Land, etc, the other transportation to destination now is cheaper for traveller who has not own car? There are many options, by Bus – Busway, or train – Commuter Line. This transportations offer economic tickets, in special day like Independent Day provide the free ticket for 24 hours.

In many cases, school of our kids is offering travelling package in end years, we can use this to travel with our kids, may  n't comfort travel together , we have not private time as long travelling. But this moment is good for us to meet new friend, the new connection, who knows in one day is useful for us. If we travel with more people is joy, we can share each other's everything, after the end of that moment we can continues our friendship, and we get the new perspective of life if we have more friends.

In many ways, technology gives us opportunity more to access several facilities which provided by the amusement park, hotel, restaurant, airline. We knew some android applications provide many services, as like hotel room booking, airline booking tickets, resto table booking, and many more services. We can use this application to plan our travel time better, they offer many promo and discount if we book early, so we can cut loss money.

The points before plan travel time, make your budget is enough, if you are going alone is easier than with your framily. Travel alone or popular called backpacker we can bring limit money, but if we are carrying or family, our wife and kids, we must think strictly, we must count every money as long travelling. We suggest, for family travelling, must be planned early and prudent, count risk and mistake, better we buy insurance premium for our fammily before we go. Now, Let do it, Enjoy ur travelling !! (sbc)


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Tuesday 30 August 2016

Planning Holiday With Family Around Jakarta City

Where to go in this weekend? Now we have many choices for spending our time with family at a  right place, depend on your budget. So, if we have limit budget, we can search public amusement park, as like Monas, Zoo Garden, or many places. Every family usual is budgeting some money to bring members of the family go out a side in weekend day. Most popular amusements park is a place which provides kid’s playground, now in Jakarta, Pemda DKI provided the public place for kid and family.

So, every decision depends on you, how much your budget is determined by yours destination. For long term, be wised is we plan or travel holiday because we can save money and we choose our favourite travel destination, domestic or oversea, everything depends on your budget. In many families has god plan for travel holiday, they save money every month for costing their travel activities with their family. May be we can learn financial planning, this knowledges lead us to plan our financial.

Most ur budget in weekend day travel is spent for transportation, ticket, meal, and merchandise which provided by amusements park. In Jabodetabek is many kid island for family and kids, as like Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jungle Land, etc, the other transportation to destination now is cheaper for traveller who has not own car? There are many options, by Bus – Busway, or train – Commuter Line. This transportations offer economic tickets, in special day like Independent Day provide the free ticket for 24 hours.

In many cases, school of our kids is offering travelling package in end years, we can use this to travel with our kids, may  n't comfort travel together , we have not private time as long travelling. But this moment is good for us to meet new friend, the new connection, who knows in one day is useful for us. If we travel with more people is joy, we can share each other's everything, after the end of that moment we can continues our friendship, and we get the new perspective of life if we have more friends.

In many ways, technology gives us opportunity more to access several facilities which provided by the amusement park, hotel, restaurant, airline. We knew some android applications provide many services, as like hotel room booking, airline booking tickets, resto table booking, and many more services. We can use this application to plan our travel time better, they offer many promo and discount if we book early, so we can cut loss money.

The points before plan travel time, make your budget is enough, if you are going alone is easier than with your framily. Travel alone or popular called backpacker we can bring limit money, but if we are carrying or family, our wife and kids, we must think strictly, we must count every money as long travelling. We suggest, for family travelling, must be planned early and prudent, count risk and mistake, better we buy insurance premium for our fammily before we go. Now, Let do it, Enjoy ur travelling !! (sbc)



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